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Monday, July 29, 2013

Hanuman and Yoga

If yoga is the ability to control one's mind then Hanuman is the quintessential yogi having a perfect mastery over his senses, achieved through a disciplined lifestyle tempered by the twin streams of celibacy and selfless devotion (bhakti). In fact, Hanuman is the ideal Brahmachari (one who follows the path of Brahma), if ever there was one.

He is also a perfect karma yogi since he performs his actions with detachment, acting as an instrument of destiny rather than being impelled by any selfish motive.

Jai Sri Ram

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hanuman meets Lord Rama

When Hanuman grew up he became the minister of Sugreeva, the King of Kishkindha. Vali was the elder brother of Sugreeva. Once Vali, who was fighting with a rakshasa, entered a cave with his opponent; he did not come out for a long time. Blood began to flow from the cave, so Sugreeva thought that Vali was dead. He returned to Kishkindha and became its king. But a little later, Vali returned and drove out Sugreeva. Sugreeva and his ministers hid themselves in the Malaya mountains; Vali could not enter this region. 

When Shri Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana were in the forest, a rakshasa by name Ravana took away Sita by force. Rama was in great grief. He was wandering in the forests and came to Kishkindha. Sugreeva saw him when he came with Lakshmana to the Malaya mountains. Sugreeva and his companions were full of fear that Vali had sent Shri Rama and Lakshmana to kill them. But Hanuman asked them not to be afraid. Sugreeva was also very anxious to know who those handsome young men were. Whom should he send to talk to them? Finally he choose Hanuman. 

Hanuman was an excellent ambassador. He could easily understand the nature of other people. As soon as he saw Rama and Lakshmana, he realized that they were not deceivers, but noble persons. In soft and pleasing words he asked them who they were, and told them about him. Rama was very happy when he heard the words of Hanuman. He said to Lakshmana, "Did you hear his words? Even an enemy with his sword drawn would be pacified by such words. If a ruler has such a messenger, his efforts will always be successful." 

Hanuman took Rama and Lakshmana to Sugreeva. He had hopes that these brave young men would make Sugreeva king again. 

Sugreeva's Minister, Rama's Messenger 

Rama and Sugreeva became friends very soon. When Sugreeva challenged Vali to a fight, Rama helped his friend by killing Vali with an arrow. 

When she heard this sad news, Vali's wife, Thara was full of grief. She fell on his body, weeping. Hanuman prostrated before her and said, "Revered lady, Vali came to this condition because of his evil deeds, his own actions. Sugreeva was only the means. Please do not think that Sugreeva killed Vali. No one can live for all times in this world. Look at your son Angada and console yourself." 

Sugreeva then became king. All his troubles were over. The kingdom was his. He forgot his promise to Rama that he would immediately send servants to search for Sita and find her. He left the responsibilities of the state to his ministers; he forgot everything in his pleasures. 

Hanuman warned him. He did his duty as a minister, saying the right thing at the right time. He said to Sugreeva, "O King, the kingdom and the fame which you desired are now yours. If you do not help your friends at the right time, even the greatest help you offer later will be totally useless. Though Rama is very anxious to find Sita, he is waiting for you. It is already late, but he is a patient man. Please send your army at once to search for Sita." 

Sugreeva sent Neela, one of his commanders, to find out where Sita was. And he returned to his pleasures.

The rainy season was over. It was now autumn. Rama's mind was always filled with thoughts of Sita's sufferings and sorrows, and he was miserable. He revealed his misery to Lakshmana. Hot blooded Lakshmana was very angry with Sugreeva. He went to see Sugreeva. His anger made Sugreeva's subjects shiver with fear. Sugreeva himself was so terrified; he did not know what to do. 

Again it was Hanuman who gave wise counsel. He said to Sugreeva, "Shri Rama may not really be angry with you. Perhaps he was sent Lakshmana to you as his work has been delayed. When those who are more powerful than we are enraged, it is not wise for us to become angry. Our anger will only heighten their rage. At such times we should seek to pacify the mighty. Besides, Shri Rama has helped you and therefore you should behave respectfully towards him." 

This time advice was effective. Sugreeva pacified Lakshmana, and with his entire army went to Rama. He sent the army in all the four directions to find out where Sita was. Vast as the ocean, the army set off with shouts of enthusiasm. The deafening noise seemed to make the earth Shiver. Shri Rama removed a ring from his finger and giving it to Hanuman, said: "When Sita sees you, she may be afraid of you, or may not believe your words. If that happens, show her this ring. We depend entirely on your strength." 

Hanuman prostrated before Rama and set off.

Hanuman meets Sita Ji

Jai Sri Ram

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

108 Names of Lord Hanuman with meaning

Anjaneya - Son of Anjana 
Anjanagarbhasambhoota - Born of Anjani 
Ashokavanikachhetre - Destroyer of Ashoka Orchard 
Akshahantre - Slayer of Aksha 
Balarka Sadrushanana - Like the Rising Sun 
Bheemasenasahayakrute - Helper of Bheema 
Batnasiddhikara - Granter of Strength 
Bhakthavatsala - Protector of Devotees 
Bajrangbali - With strength of daamod 
Bhavishya Chaturanana - Aware of Future Happenings 
Chanchaladwala - Glittering Tail Suspended Above The Head. 
Chiranjeevini - Immortal 
Chaturbahave - Four-Armed 
Dashabahave - Ten-Armed 
Danta - Peaceful 
Dheera - Courageous 
Deenabandhave - Defender of the Oppressed 
Daithyakulantaka - Destroyer of Demons 
Daityakarya Vidhyataka - Destroyer of All Demons' Activities 
Dhruddavrata - Determined Meditator 
Dashagreevakulantaka - Slayer of the Ten-Headed Ravana Race 
Gandharvavidya Tatvangna - Exponent in the Art of Celestials 
Gandhamadhana Shailastha - Resident of Gandhamadhana 
Hanumanta - One with Puffy Cheeks 
Indrajit Prahitamoghabrahmastra Vinivaraka - Remover of the Effect of Indrajit's Brahmastra 
Jambavatpreeti Vardhana - Winner of Jambavan's Love 
JaiKapeesh - Hailing Monkey 
Kapeeshwara -Lord of Monkeys 
Kabalikruta -One who swallowed the Sun 
Kapisenanayaka -Head of the Monkey Army 
Kumarabrahmacharine -Youthful Bachelor 
Kesarinandan -Son of Kesari 
Kesarisuta -Son of Kesari 
Kalanemi Pramathana -Slayer of Kalanemi 
Harimarkatamarkata -Lord of the Monkeys 
Karagrahavimoktre -One who Frees from Imprisonment 
Kalanabha -Organizer of Time 
Kanchanabha - Golden-Hued Body 
Kamaroopine -Altering Form at Will 
Lankineebhanjana -Slayer of Lankini 
Lakshmanapranadatre -Reviver of Lakshmana's Life 
Lankapuravidahaka -The One Who Burnt Lanka 
Lokapujya -Worshipped by the Universe 
Maruti - Son of Marut (wind god) 
Mahadhyuta - Most Radiant 
Mahakaya - One with colossal body 
Manojavaya - Swiftness like Wind 
Mahatmane - Supreme Being 
Mahavira - Most Courageous 
Marutatmaja - Adored Like Gems 
Mahabala Parakrama - Of Great Strength 
Mahatejase - Most Radiant 
Maharavanamardana - Slayer of the Famous Ravana 
Mahatapase - Great Meditator 
Navavyakruti Pandita - Skilful Scholar 
Parthadhwajagrasamvasine - Having Principal Place on Arjuna's Flag 
Pragnya - Scholar 
Prasannatmane - Cheerful 
Pratapavate - Known for Valour 
Paravidhyaparihara - Destroyer of Enemies Wisdom 
Parashaurya Vinashana - Destroyer of Enemy's Valour 
Parijata Tarumoolastha - Dweller under the Parijata Tree 
Prabhave - Popular Lord 
Paramantra Nirakartre - Acceptor of Rama's Mantra Only 
Pingalaksha - Pink-Eyed 
Pavanputra - Son of Wind god 
Panchavaktra - Five-Faced 
Parayantra Prabhedaka - Destroyer of Enemies' Missions 
Ramasugreeva Sandhatre - Mediator between Rama and Sugreeva 
Ramakathalolaya - Crazy of listening Rama's Story 
Ratnakundala Deeptimate - Wearing Gem-Studded Earrings 
Rudraveerya Samudbhava - Born of Shiva 
Ramachudamaniprada - Deliverer of Rama's Ring 
Ramabhakta - Devoted to Rama 
Ramadhuta - Ambassador of Rama 
Rakshovidhwansakaraka - Slayer of Demons 
Sankatamochanan - Reliever of sorrows Sitadevi
Mudrapradayaka - Deliverer of the Ring of Sita 
Sarvamayavibhanjana - Destroyer of All Illusions 
Sarvabandha Vimoktre - Detacher of all Relationship 
Sarvagraha Nivashinay - Killer of all Evil Effects of Planets 
Sarvaduhkhahara - Reliever of all Agonies 
Sarvalolkacharine - Wanderer of all Places 
Sarvamantra Swaroopavate - Possessor of all Hymns 
Sarvatantra Sawaroopine - Shape of all Hymns 
Sarvayantratmaka - Dweller in all Yantras 
Sarvarogahara - Reliever of all Ailments 
Sarvavidhyasampath Pradayaka - Granter of Knowledge and Wisdom 
Shrunkalabandhamochaka - Reliever from a Chain of Distresses 
Sitashoka Nivarana - Destroyer of Sita's Sorrow 
Shrimate - Honored 
Simhikaprana Bhanjana - Slayer of Simhika 
Sugreeva Sachiva - Minister of Sugreeva 
Shoora - Gallant 
Surarchita - Worshipped by Celestials 
Sphatikabha - Spotless, Crystal-Clear 
Sanjeevananagahatre - Carrier of Sanjeevi Mount 
Shuchaye - Pure, Chaste 
Shanta - Very Composed and Calm 
Shatakanttamadapahate - Destroyer of Shatakantta's Arrogance 
Sitanveshana Pandita - Skilful in finding Sita's Whereabouts 
Sharapanjarabhedaka - Destroyer of the Nest made of Arrows 
Sitaramapadaseva - Always engaged in Rama's Service 
Sagarotharaka - Leapt Across the Ocean 
Tatvagyanaprada - Granter of Wisdom 
Vanara - Monkey 
Vibheeshanapriyakara - Beloved of Vibheeshana 
Vajrakaya - Hard Like Metal 
Vardhimainakapujita - Worshipped by Mynaka 
Vagmine - Spokesman 
Vijitendriya - Controller of the Senses 
Vajranakha - Strong-Nailed 
Vagadheeksha - Lord of Spokesmen 
Yogine - Yogi (Saint)

Jai Sri Ram

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hanuman - 11th Rudra of Lord Shiva

Shiva has eleven forms of Rudra. He has several names and avataras and various scriptures and religious books give different names. However the 11 Rudras worshipped in the Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam Pooja is the most reliable information. 

The 11 Rudras are as follows: 
1. Mahadeva, 
2. Shiva , 
3. Maha Rudra, 
4. Shankara, 
5. Neelalohita, 
6. Eshana Rudra, 
7. Vijaya Rudra, 
8. Bheema Rudra, 
9. Devadeva, 
10. Bhavodbhava and 
11. Adityatmaka Srirudra. 

Their 11 consorts of these 11 Rudras are: 
1. Dhee devi, 
2. Dhritti devi, 
3. Ushna (Rasala) devi, 
4. Uma devi, 
5. Neeyut devi, 
6. Sarpi devi, 
7. Eela devi, 
8. Ambika devi, 
9. Ieravati devi, 
10. Sudha devi and 
11. Deeksha devi respectively. 

The 11 Rudras that form Ekadasa Rudra manifest at the time of the destruction of the material universe to burn it down and destroy it. They are: 
1. Kapali 
2. Pingala 
3. Bhima 
4. Virupaksha 
5. Vilohita 
6. Shashta 
7. Ajapada 
8. Ahirbidhanya 
9. Sambhu 
10. Chanda 
11. Bhava 

Hanuman is mentioned as an avatar of Shiva or Rudra in the Sanskrit texts like Mahabhagvata Purana, Skanda Purana, Brhaddharma Purana and Mahanataka among others. It is believed that Panchamukha Hanuman is the 11th rudra of Lord Shiva. 

Jai Sri Ram

Friday, July 19, 2013

Chiranjeevi Hanuman

Hanuman is one of the seven Chiranjivis and the only learned scholar who knew the nine Vyakaranas. He learned the shastras from Suryadev, the sun god. He is well versed with the Vedas and other sacred books.

He has exhibited astonishing physical strength and worked many miracles. His valour, wisdom, knowledge of the scriptures and superhuman strength attracted everybody who came near him. He had extraordinary skill in warfare. He is the chosen messenger of Lord Rama and the minister & messenger of Sugreeva. Lord Hanuman is fast - the most agile and oriented god. 

Hanumanji is the symbol of Devotion and Service. 

Hanuman was the chief of the armies of Sri Ramachandra and took a prominent part in the war against Ravana, the king of Lanka, in the Indian epic poem Ramayana. Hanuman helped restore Sita Devi back to Sri Rama. Recognizing Godhead beneath the human disguise, Hanuman consecrates himself wholly to service of Rama. 

After the war, and after reigning for several years, the time arrived for Rama to depart to his supreme abode Vaikuntha. Many of Rama's entourage, including Sugriva, decided to depart with him. Hanuman, however, requested from Rama that he will remain on earth as long as Rama's name was venerated by people. Sita accorded Hanuman that desire, and granted that his image would be installed at various public places, so he could listen to people chanting Rama's name. He is one of the immortals (Chiranjeevi). 

 Jai Sri Ram

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hanumad Ramayan

After the victory of Rama over Ravana, Hanuman went to the Himalayas to continue his worship of the Lord. There he scripted a version of the Ramayana on the Himalayan Mountains using his nails, recording every detail of Rama's deeds.

Valmiki arrived at the mountain where Hanuman was busy writing. Hanuman was overjoyed to receive Valmiki. He embraced the sage warmly. Sage Valmiki wanted to read what Hanuman has written. Hanuman took him around the huge mountain and showed the stones on which the slokas have been beautifully written. Valmiki went around patiently and read the complete Ramayana of Hanuman. It took Valmiki a thousand years to go through the massive work. The sage was visibly moved. He was full of praise for Hanuman. Nothing like this the world has ever seen or will ever see. Valmiki became very disappointed on reading Hanumad Ramayan.

When Hanuman asked Valmiki the cause of his sorrow, the sage said that his version, which he had created very laboriously, was no match for the splendour of Hanuman's, and would therefore go ignored.

Hanuman looked at the massive mountain and millions of stones in front him all holding his creations majestically. He quickly made up his mind and uprooted the entire mountain containing his Ramayan and moved at lightning speed to the nearest ocean and sunk the mountain in the ocean.

Maharishi Valmiki was so taken aback that he said he would take another birth to sing the glory of Hanuman which he had understated in his version.

Later, one tablet is said to have floated ashore during the period of Mahakavi Kalidasa, and hung at a public place to be deciphered by scholars. Kalidasa is said to have deciphered it and recognised that it was from the Hanumad Ramayana recorded by Hanuman in an extinct script, and considered himself very fortunate to see at least one pada of the stanza.

On that tablet only one foot of a stanza is available. That foot says "Oh! Ravana, those your ten heads, on which you lifted of Mt. Kailah, the abode of Shiva, are now bumped on battlefield by the claws of crows and eagles, know what has happened to your high-headed Decahedral pride, at the hands of virtue..." Kalidasa deciphered this stanza and informed that it is from hanumad ramayana, recorded by Hanuman, but an extinct script.

Jai Sri Ram

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hanuman meets Sita Ji (Sundara Kanda)

The Sundara Kanda forms the heart of Valmiki's Ramayana and consists of a detailed, vivid account of Hanuman's adventures. After learning about Sita, Hanuman assumes a gargantuan form and makes a colossal leap across the ocean to Lanka. 

To cross the ocean, Lord Hanuman takes on the size of a mountain. Hanuman soared skyward. He shone like the sun. He crossed the surging sea in a single bound. 

In no time at all he reached the distant shore of Lanka. At first he could not find Sita. He looked everywhere-in Lanka’s streets, in all the houses, even in the royal harem. Finally he went beyond the city to the gardens and orchards of the royal estate. There in the centre of a grove known as the Ashok Vatika he found the captive princess seated in the shade of a giant tree. 

She was very pale. Like the waning moon, she had become quite slim. The grief of separation from her beloved Rama had not, however, dimmed her radiance. She glowed by virtue of her inner purity. Like the moon, too, she remained always luminous and lovely. 

Even while he watched from a hiding place not far from her, Hanuman saw the cruel king, Ravana, make his regular visit to Sita in her seclusion. "For ten months you have remained here mooning over Rama. You have but two months left to forget him and show favour to me. I warn you, relent or my cooks will make mince—meat pie out of you for me to eat." Sita remained brave all the while that Ravana was there, but when he left she broke into tears. 

While she wept, Hanuman crept nearer to her. Gently he murmured that he was a messenger. "Rama sent me." Sita lifted her eyes in disbelief, and Hanuman caught his breath at the sight of her fragile beauty. He gave her Rama’s ring to show that he spoke the truth. He promised her that Rama would come for her. In turn, she removed the jewel which still adorned her hair. "Give this to Rama. Tell him to come f or me, or I shall die." 

Hanuman left her with comforting words, then went back to the streets of the capital determined to do mischief to the rakshasas and to see Ravana face to face before leaving Lanka. With this in mind, he got into fights with rakshasa soldiers. After scuffling with several he decided to let them capture him. He knew that, as a prisoner, he would be taken before Ravana. Sure enough, he was soon hauled before the king, and there Hanuman heckled him. 

Furious at this insult, Ravana ordered Hanuman bound head and foot. "Set his tail on fire!" 

Hanuman smiled at this, for it was just what he wanted. Once his tail was flaming, he easily slipped out of his bonds and into the night. No one could catch him. Laughing at how helpless they all were against his wonders, Hanuman hopped from house to house until he had touched each with his tail, setting the entire city on fire. 

Satisfied that the rakshasas would remember him and his visit forever, he went to the seashore. In one mighty leap he crossed the ocean once more, and rejoined the group waiting for him on the other side. 

Hanuman informs Rama how Seetha expressed her grave doubt as to how monkeys and bears can leap across a vast sea, as well as her appeal to Rama to destroy Ravana along with his entire army in Lanka and take her back to Ayodhya. Hanuma further informs Rama, how he resolved her doubt by explaining the prowess of the troops of monkeys and bears, commanded by Sugreeva as also how he brought solace and peace to her from her worries. 

Why Sundara Kanda is Important? 

It is traditional to begin the reading (pārāyaṇa) of the Ramayana with the Sundara Kanda. 

This lesson is recited, preferably on Tuesdays or Saturdays, these days having been earmarked for special prayers to Hanuman. It happens to be for nullification of the malefic effects of the crow mounted, the son of Surya and Chhaya (Shadow), Lord Shani. Ramayana reveals that Shani Dev, who was captive at Ravana's palace, was rescued by Lord Hanuman. As a token of thanks, Shani Dev offered reprieve to all devotees of Lord Hanuman. Alternately once Shani Dev was caught between Hanuman's shoulders and the ceiling when attempting to mount the latter to influence his stars. Unable to bear the pain, Shani Dev offered gratitude in return to an immediate release. 

The religious faith suggests that its recital brings harmony to the household. Many believe that if you do not have time to read the whole Ramayana, you should read the Sundara Kanda. 

Trails of Sundara Kanda in Srilanka : 

Sri Baktha Hanuman Temple,Ramboda :

Sri Baktha Hanuman Temple,Ramboda On these hills of Ramboda where Hanuman was searching for Setadevi, Chinmaya mission of Sri Lanka built a temple with Hanuman as the presiding deity. On every full moon day special pooja”s are conducted and witnessed by thousands of devotees. 

Mani Kattuther Rock Labookelle Estate :

This is a rock in the Labookelle estate. Lord Hanuman met Sitadevi and on his way to announce this happy information to Lord Rama, rested on this hill top. The hilltop where Lord Hanuman is believed to have rested after meeting Sitadevi is known as Mani Kattuther. Today an open temple with statues of Lord Rama, Sitadevi, Lakshmana and Lord hanuman stands on top of it . 

Ussangoda : 

According to Ramayana, after meeting Sitadevi Lord Hanuman dedicated to test the strength of the mighty King Ravana and his army of Rakshasas. In the events that unfolded Lord Hanuman's tail was set on fire by the rakshasa's, who in turn went on to torch some parts of King Ravana's empire. Ussangoda is one of the torched areas, which is said to have been a airport used by king Ravana 

Chariot Path and Sita Tear Pond :

The summit of the mountain next to the mountain range overlooking Frotoft Estate in Pussallawa is the place where Lord Hanuman first set his foot on mainland Lanka. This mountain known as Pawala Malai is visible from this mountain range. These hills stand tall in-between King Ravana's capital city and Ashoka Vatika. 

The barren land atop themountain range is believed to be the route in which King Ravana took Sitadevi from his capital city Lankapura to Ashoka Vatika, which was a paradise on earth. Till date no vegetation grows on this passage except grass. King Ravana is believed to have taken this passage on top of these hills to show Sitadevi the beauty of his kingdom. 

The Sita tear pond is found en route by the chariot route, is believed to have been formed by the tears of Sitadevi and has not dried up since, even during severe droughts when the adjoining rivers dry up. 

In this area there are many large trees whose bright red blooms add colour to the scenery. These flowers are called Sita flowers. The peculiarity of these flowers is the configuration of the petal's, stamen and pistil's, which resemble a human figure carrying a bow, and is said to represent Lord Rama. These flowers are unique only to this area in the whole of sri lanka.

Jai Sri Ram

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hanuman Ji's favourite Vadas

Lord Hanuman loves the hard and crunchy vada so it is offered for the lord. 

According to legend, Hanuman was given a very big vada by His mother on the eve of His departure to Lanka for the war so that He could eat out of it little by little whenever He felt hungry. 

Another story goes that - In Ramayana on his return from Srilanka, following Lord Sri Rama’s victory over Ravana and the subsequent coronation of Lord Rama and Sita in Ayodhya, all the guests attending the coronation received gifts before their departure. But when it came to Sri Hanuman, Lord Sri Rama said that Hanuman would remain with him always. 

Overjoyed, Sita Devi made a Vadai Maalai for Hanuman and adorned it on him so that he would eat it and be happy. 

Since then, the practice of adorning Lord Hanuman with the Vadai Maalai came into existence.

Jai Sri Ram

Friday, July 12, 2013

Panchamukha Hanuman

The origin of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman can be traced to a story in the Ramayana. During the war between Lord Ram and Ravana, Ravana took the help of Mahiravana who was the king of pathala. 

Lord Hanuman in order to protect Lord Ram and Lakshman formed a fortress with his tail. But Mahiravana took the form of Vibeeshana and took Lord Ram and Lakshman to pathala loka. 

Hanuman entered pathala loka in search of Rama and Lakshmana.He found out that to kill Mahiravana he had to extinguish 5 lamps at the same time. So he took the Panchamukha form with Hanuman, Hayagriva, Narasimha, Garuda and Varaha faces and extinguished the lamps. Mahiravana was killed immediately. 

The Panchamukha form of Lord Hanuman has the following five faces: 

• Hanuman (a fervent devotee of Lord Rama) – facing the east 
• Narasimha ( an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who slayed Hiranyakashipu) – facing the south 
• Garuda ( the mount of Lord Krishna) – facing the west 
• Varaha (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who slayed the demon Hiranyaksha) – facing the north 
• Hayagriva (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, considered the God of wisdom)– facing upwards 

The details of panchamukha Hanuman are 

• East facing Anjaneya to grant humanity Ishta Siddhi. 
• South facing Karala Ugraveera Narasimha to grant humanity Abhista Siddhi. 
• West facing Mahaveera Garuda to grant humanity Sakala Sowbhagya. 
• North facing Lakshmi Varaha to grant humanity Dhana Prapthi. 
• Urdhva Mukha(atop0 being Hayagriva to grant humanity Sarva Vidya Jaya Prapthi. 

There are five ways of prayer to the Lord. They are Naman, Smaran, Keerthanam, Yachanam and Arpanam. The five faces depict these five forms. Lord Hanuman always used to Naman, Smaran and Keerthanam of Lord Sri Rama. He totally surrendered (Arpanam) to his Master Sri Ram. He also begged (yachanam) Sri Rama to bless him the undivided love. 

Panchamukha Hanuman Stuthi: 

The Panchamukha Hanuman Stuthi is a potent stotra meant to praise each of the five forms. This stotra helps to alleviate troubles and keep evil forces away. It serves as a protection to devotees who chant with utmost faith. 

Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya poorva kapi mukhe Sakala shatru samhaarnaaya swaaha 

The east facing form of Lord Hanuman protects devotees from problems caused by enemies. He provides happiness and fulfills wishes. 

Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya dakshina mukhe Karaala vadanaaya Narasimhaaya sakala bhoota praeta pramadanaaya swaaha 

The south facing form of Lord Narasimha removes all types of fear, sins, unfavorable influences of spirits and demons, and fulfills our wishes. 

Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya paschima mukhe Garudaaya sakala visha haranaaya swaaha 

The west facing form of Lord Garuda removes all types of ailments, negativities, black magic, poison, and fear. 

Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya uthara mukhe Aadivarahaaya sakala sampatkaraaya swaaha 

The north facing form of Lord Varaha provides the ashta aishwarya (eight different forms of wealth). 

Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya oordhwa mukhe Hayagrivaaya sakala jana vasheekaranaaya swaaha 

The upwards facing form of Lord Hayagriva helps devotees attract the goodwill of people. The words of His devotees turn into reality. He bestows them with advancement in seeking knowledge, good company of friends, intelligence, good children, and salvation. 

The Panchamukha Hanuman Gayatri can be chanted to overcome obstacles in life. 

Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Panchavaktraaya Dheemahi Tanno Hanumath Prachodayaath

Jai Sri Ram 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hanuman's love for Lord Ram

After victory Lord Rama returns to Ayodhya and decides to ceremoniously reward all his well- wishers. 

Seeing Hanuman come up to him, an emotionally overwhelmed Rama embraces him warmly, declaring that he could never adequately honour or repay Hanuman for the help and services he received from him. 

Sita ji , however, insists that Hanuman deserved honor more than anyone else, and asks him to seek a gift. Upon Hanuman's request, Sita ji  gives him a necklace of precious stones adorning her neck. 

When he receives it, Hanuman immediately takes it apart, and peers into each stone. Taken aback, many of those present demands to know why he was destroying the precious gift. Hanuman answers that he was looking into the stones to make sure that Rama and Sita are in them, because if they are not, the necklace is of no value to him. 

At this, a few mock Hanuman, saying his reverence and love for Rama and Sita could not possibly be as deep as he was portraying. One of them asks Hanuman what about his own body, if that contains Lord Ram in it. 

In response, Hanuman tears his chest open, and everyone is stunned to see Rama and Sita literally in his heart. This shows the love and affection of Lord Hanuman towards Lord Ram-Sita ji.

Jai Sri Ram

Why we offer butter and betel leaves garland to Lord Hanuman?

Betel Leaves: 

After the success in the war against Ravana, Sita Devi spotted hanuman in a betel leaf garden when hanuman bowed to her feet seeking her blessings. Sita devi plucked few betel leaves and showered on hanuman in order to bless him, so the tradition is still followed. 

Another story goes that when Sri Hanuman conveyed the message from Sri Rama, Sita Devi garlanded Sri Hanuman with a betel vine as a token of Her joy and appreciation, as she could not find any flowers nearby. 

Betel leaves should be made into a garland with a piece of arecanut in each leaf. 


It was during the Rama Ravana war. Ravana was trying his best to defeat Rama. But each of his weapon was squashed by Rama's arrows. Rama was being carried by Hanuman as at that time. He did not have a war chariot like Ravana, whose ratha was magnificent. 

Ravana was becoming frustrated. Ravana changed his tactics. Instead of attacking Rama he started to shoot at Hanuman who was carrying Rama. Hanuman had got the boon of immortality from Brahma but that did not prevent him from getting injured. 

Lord Rama began to fight like a whirlwhind and soon made Ravana run from the battle field. Our Lord tolerates any amount of hardship but cannot see His bhaktas being troubled. When they retired to their camp Rama made Hanuman to lie down and inspite of his protests called for cool butter applied it Himself on Hanuman's burning wounds. So, the tradition is still followed.

Jai Sri Ram

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lord Hanuman with Aṇimā and Garima Siddhi

In the Ramayana Hanuman changes shape several times. For example, while he searches for the kidnapped Sita in Ravana's palaces on Lanka, he contracts himself to the size of a cat, so that he will not be detected by the enemy. Later on, he takes on the size of a mountain, blazing with radiance, to show his true power to Sita.

Also he enlarges & immediately afterwards contracts his body to out-wit Sirsa, the she-demon, who blocked his path while crossing the sea to reach Lanka. Again, he turns his body microscopically small to enter Lanka before killing Lankini, the she-demon guarding the gates of Lanka.

He achieved this shape-shifting by the powers of two siddhis; Anima and Garima bestowed upon him in his childhood by Sun-God, Surya.

Lord Hanuman with Anima and Garima Siddhi

• Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom
• Garima: becoming infinitely heavy

The following are the eight siddhis (asta-siddhis), 

• Anima 
• Laghima 
• Mahima 
• Garima 
• Prapti 
• Prakamya 
• Vashitva 
• Isitva 

These are basically to control to five elements, “paanch mahabhoot” (prithvi, jal, agni, vayu, akaash).

Footprints of Lord Hanuman : 

In Srilanka, a stream that runs from the hill, catered to the needs of Sita devi during her stay at Ashok Vatika. She is said to have bathed in this stream. Now there is a temple(Sita Amman temple/Sita Eliya) of Lord Rama, Sita devi , Laxmana and Hanuman by the side of this stream.

It is interesting to note that foot prints akin to Lord Hanuman's are found by this river and some are of small size and some are of large size, which tells us of the immense powers of Lord Hanuman transforming himself into any size.

Jai Sri Ram

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why Hanuman ji likes sindoor?

One day, Hanuman noticed that Sitaji wore a red powder in the parting of her hair. Curious, Hanuman enquired, what it was that she was wearing. Dear Hanuman, it is sindoor that I am wearing, said Sitaji. What is sindoor and why was it so important? asked Hanuman. Sindoor makes Lord Ram happy and would give Him a long and happy life, explain Sitaji. 

Hanuman thought for a long time. He realised that Sitaji also did it because she loved Ram and showed it by putting sindoor in her hair. I love Ramji too, though Hanuman, And Im going to prove it! So guess what He did? Well if Sita ji can put sindoor in her hair to show her love, He decided to cover Himself with it to show His love! He took the sindoor powder and smeared his whole body with it When He entered, He was completely red, His face, the nose, dhoti, everything was completely red. It looked as though He had taken a bath in the red powder! 

Sita looked at Him in surprise and asked Him why he had covered himself in sindoor. Hanuman said, Sitaji, you are a Devi, a goddess. By putting a little sindoor in your hair, you can make Lord Ram happy and His life longer. But I am only His servant, His dasa, so I will have to do more than that. And that is why I had to cover my whole body with sindoor. 

 This also shows the great love Hanuman had for Lord Rama. On hearing this , Lord Rama gave a boon to all his devotees that those who apply sindoor to Hanuman and observe hanuman pooja with sindoor would be blessed with longer and happy life.

Jai Sri Ram 

Hanuman brings Sanjeevani Buti

When Lakshmana is severely wounded during the battle against Ravana, Hanuman is sent to fetch the Sanjivani, a powerful life-restoring herb, from Dronagiri mountain, in the Himalayas, to revive him. Ravana realises that if Lakshmana dies, a distraught Rama would probably give up, and so he dispatches the sorcerer Kalanemi to intercept Hanuman. Kalanemi, in the guise of a sage, deceives Hanuman, but Hanuman uncovers his plot with the help of an apsara, whom he rescues from her accursed state as a crocodile.

 Lakshmana severely wounded in the battle

Ravana, upon learning that Kalanemi has been slain by Hanuman, summons Surya to rise before its appointed time because the physician Sushena had said that Lakshmana would perish if untreated by daybreak. Hanuman realizes the danger, however, and, becoming many times his normal size, detains the Sun God to prevent the break of day. He then resumes his search for the precious herb. 

So hanuman ji asked an old lady (who couldn't walk on her own) the address of DRONAGIRI PARVAT ,as hanunam ji saw only that old lady in the village because all the men were at their farmlands & doing all their agricultural activities there.

Hanuman ji climbing the parvat in search of sanjeevani

That old lady said that she knew the address of dronagiri parvat & she cud take hanuman ji there, hanuman ji made thta old lady sit on his shoulders & reached dronagiri paravat. But, when he finds himself unable to identify which herb it is, he lifts the entire dronagiri parvat. 

Hanuman ji carrying the dronagiri parvat with his left hand.

A coin depicting this scene

Sushena then identifies and administers the herb, and Lakshmana is saved. Rama embraces Hanuman, declaring him as dear to him as his own brother. Hanuman releases Surya from his grip, and asks forgiveness, as the Sun was also his Guru. 

Lakshmana back to life

 A deep insight: 

The portion which Hanuman dug out of the Himalayas or the dronagiri parvat was actually the right shoulder of dronagiri parvat !! & still the wounds of dronagiri parvat are alive!! it is said that dronagiri parvat is still feeling the pain of losing his right shoulder !! The residents of dronagiri parvat area still worship & pray to dronagiri so that dronagiri parvat's pain cud be less .
Dronagiri parvat is in uttaranchal state. People living in the village where dronagiri is situated feel themselves so lucky that they are residing under the shelter of an auspicious & holy mountain which saved the life of lakshman !!! Still when appearance wise dronagiri looks as if a big right portion of the mountain is missing. 

A part of dronagiri parvat in uttranchal

People say that still a monkey comes every year to dronagiri parvat & they all can see the arrival of monkey but no one has ever seen where monkey vanishes or goes after sometime ,it's very strange as monkeys r not at all found at the mountain area of DRONAGIRI & HIMALAYAN RANGE due to extremely cold conditions as monkeys don't like living in cold areas ,but it's strange that every year a monkey comes to dronagiri & disappears after sometime(as no one can see where that monkey goes away & what he does at dronagiri ) ,people of that village even followed that monkey but failed to know the secret. 

When hanuman ji brought the dronagiri parvat to srilanka, parts from the hill fell on five places in lanka, namely rumasala in galle, dolukanda in hiripitiya, ritigala, thalladi in mannar, and kachchativu in the north.

Dolukanda in hiripitiya 

Rumasala in galle

Sanjeevani Buti: 

Scientists investigating what they believe is the mythical Sanjeevani herb mentioned in the epic Ramayana have discovered that it can protect living cells from the lethal effects of heat and biological stress.

Laboratory experiments have indicated that unknown substances from a herb called Selaginella bryopteriscan promote cell growth and protect them from destructive biological injuries. 

Some researchers have speculated that Selaginella is Sanjeevani, used by Ram to revive his brother Lakshman injured in battle.

Sanjeevani buti 

Researchers from the Madhav Institute of Technology and Sciences, Gwalior, and the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, examined the effect of the herb on insect cells and on cells taken from mice. 

To mimic the way the herb is used in traditional medicine, the scientists obtained the herbal extract by leaving the herb submerged overnight in an earthen pot. Then they added the extract to cells maintained in a chemical broth. “The extract protects the cells from the harmful effects of heat, ultraviolet rays and destructive chemicals called oxidants,” said Nand Sah, professor and head of biotechnology at the Madhav Institute. 

Ordinarily, living cells exposed to extreme heat, ultraviolet rays or oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide stop growing and, eventually, die. The studies on the cells carried out in Hyderabad have shown that adding the herbal extract into the mixture of cells can suppress cell death caused by ultraviolet radiation and oxidants as well as reverse heat-triggered growth arrest. 

National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) is trying to identify the gene that helps Sanjivani Booti to survive severe droughts. The plant existed before 300 million years and comes under a group of plants which were the first vascular plants on earth. 

When there is no moisture the plant curls up and assumes the form of a brown crust. Sanjivani Booti regains its original form when it comes in contact with water or moisture. The plant grows in rocks and arid lands.

Research Paper on Sanjeevani : Check here

Jai Sri Ram